Weekend in Lake Placid
We went to Lake Placid for a weekend visit. We had such a great time!!
Hunter on Beka and Bill’s balcony, enjoying the view of the mountains during his first trip to Lake Placid.
Hailey and Anika. Hailey has been trying to convince us that we should move to Lake Placid so that she can see Anika every day.
Uncle Dave and Hunter
On Sunday morning we went to Island Chapel for church. The church was on a little island and it was so fun!
Hunter and Rich waiting for the boat to take us to the island.
All ready for his first boat ride.
Hailey all ready for the boat ride
When the boat started Hunter froze and stayed like this all the way to the island.
Anika and Hailey did a little exploring before church started.
Anika, Pa and Hailey
My dad and Beka both joined the choir
The weekend we were there was also our 12th wedding anniversary. So, my parents gave us the wonderful gift of a night at The Olympic Motor Inn. Hailey had her first sleep over (other than with Grandma and Pa) and spent the night with Anika. My parents took Hunter for the night (even though he refuses to take a bottle). They were only a few minutes away in case he needed to eat, but he did great!
The view from our balcony at the hotel.
We went out to eat at the Moose Lodge and this was our view of Whiteface Mountain during dinner.
Anika, Hunter and Hailey the next morning after a delicious breakfast of omelets. None of them actually ate any omelets though
Time for a little swimming
Anika and Hailey in the monster cave, growling at me as I tried to get a look
It was such a fun weekend! We were sad that it went by so fast.
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