4th of July Fun
We weren’t able to have the big 4th of July Extravaganza this year But we still had fun!
Hunter all ready for the 4th of July in his red, white and blue.
We were having a picnic at my parents’ house… on the way there, we saw these storm clouds:
Hailey had spent the night with Grandma and Pa, she was all dressed in her red, white and blue when we got there.
I love how Hunter is looking up at Hailey. He absolutely adores her!!
The weekend after the 4th of July- Matt, Ellie and Mike came up for a little visit. We had another yummy picnic.
Hailey played “monkey in the middle” with Uncle Matt and Daddy.
Hunter wanted to know why he couldn’t play too.
Pa gave Hailey some tips to try to keep Daddy in the middle.
Are electric fly swatters supposed to be this much fun?
Wave pool
Big waves!
My pretty little miss
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