2011 Flood

A few weeks ago the area we live in suffered from a devastating flood.  Thankfully we didn’t have any flooding at our house as we live up on a hill.  The worst we suffered was having to boil our water for about a week. Which is of course nothing compared to the loss that others have suffered.  So many people lost everything and it has been so heartbreaking.  We were not able to get out of our neighborhood for a couple of days due to roads being flooded and closed.  Rich went out a couple of times to see if we were able to get out yet and he took some pictures of some of the flooding.  Here are some pictures from September 8, 2011:

This CVS is still closed as the flooding was so high in the store that the entire store had to be gutted.

September 9th:


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One comment on “2011 Flood

  1. Weekend Cowgirl on said:

    You have too much water and we have had no rain in a year… crazy weather. We have fires and would give anything for rain, but NOT that much…Hope things are better now.

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