Growing Up
My Little Miss has grown up so much lately.
Before we went to Disney World I had decided that when we got home Hailey would officially start wearing underwear. She had been in pull ups for a year and I had never really pushed the whole potty training thing. So, after we came home she put on her princess underwear. I knew she was ready and it was very easy. The first day she only had one accident. Since then there have been a few accidents here and there- but for the most part she does perfect. I am so glad I didn’t push the whole thing and stress either of us out. I just waited until I knew she was ready- and she was. No more pull ups!
The next big deal happened about 3 weeks ago. Hailey and I had been talking for a while about how it was time for her to be a big girl and give up her “sah-sahs” (pacifiers). So one day when she got up in the morning she said, “I think I should send my sah-sahs to Danielle and Logan.” Those are two of her cousins who are babies. I agreed with her, but I wasn’t sure she meant it. When nap time came I didn’t mention the sah-sahs and neither did she. She wouldn’t take a nap because she was so busy talking she couldn’t fall asleep. When Rich asked her if she wanted her sah-sah so she could go to sleep she started to cry and said she was giving them to Danielle and Logan. That night at bedtime she had a hard time falling asleep because she was talking non-stop. But there were never any tears. The next day we boxed up the sah-sahs to “mail” them to her cousins. As we were getting ready to send them she decided she wanted to send both to her cousin Anika. I bought Hailey the new Tinkerbell DVD that we watched together to celebrate her being a big girl. Once or twice she asked me when Anika was going to be sending the sah-sahs back- and I told her that if Anika sent them back we would have to return the DVD. She decided she’d like to keep the DVD and that Anika could keep the sah-sahs. She never once cried about sah-sahs. I had worried so much about how hard it was going to be to take it away from her. I am so glad I never pushed it though- when she was ready to give it up, she did it.
I know these are both great things. And while they make me happy- they make me sad too… no more signs of a baby here at my house. Hailey is growing up way too fast!
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HUGE steps for your big girl!!
Way to grow Hailey! What a big girl!!
Yay for Hailey!!!
They grow up so fast!!! But she’ll always be your little princess no matter how big she gets.
Oh I know what trauma can happen when it is time to get rid of the pacifier. Michael was glued to his pacifier and his blankey. I am afraid that his separation was his idea…he threw it out the window….but the crying was a big thing.

I am so glad that yours went better than ours.
And way to go with the potty training! That will save a little bit of money.
RYC….I was so glad to hear about your MOPS group and the lovely women there. It does my heart good to know that there are women out there reaching out. Sounds like you have landed right in the middle of a great group. Does my heart good.
He is faithful!