Family Fun

A couple of weekends ago we went out of town to visit with some family and had a wonderful time! 

We arrived at my Aunt Gladys and Uncle Dave’s house on Friday evening.  Beka, Bill and Anika were there too and we had a yummy dinner.  Here are some pictures from the weekend:

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Anika and Hailey played “Ring Around the Rosie” over and over again!

 Livin With Me

And their favorite part, “we all fall down.”

On Saturday we went to a baby shower for my cousin Brad and his wife Melissa.  It was the first time I had ever gone to a baby shower with both men and women there.  It was sooooo much fun!  I think all showers should have the guys too- we had a blast. 

I didn’t get a whole lot of pictures because it is a little hard to keep track of  a 2 year old and take pictures at the same time.  And when Rich had the camera he took pictures of things like people’s noses, ears and feet.  So I’ll spare you from seeing those pictures and share the few that I did get.  If you are a family member and want to see more pictures (or a regular reader who just wants to see some more pictures of the fun)- check out my cousin Aimee’s blog- she got some great pictures!  Anyhoo- here’s my pictures:

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Hailey and Anika (the 2 on the right) enjoying some lunch with 2 other friends.

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While we were waiting for the gift opening to start Hailey enjoyed being in the center of the room bouncing a balloon up in the air.  Brad (the daddy-t0 be) and Melissa (the mommy-to-be) helped her keep her balloon in the air.

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Brad and Melissa opening a present from us while Hailey watched.

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Anika and Hailey checking out one of the presents- probably discussing how they would like to sneak the present out of the room so they could get a chance to open something.

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We had fun playing some games outside.  Hailey and Anika inspected the dirt.

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Aunt Ruth (Grandma-to-be) and Brad posing for a picture.

We had such a wonderful time at the shower!!  We don’t get to see all of this side of the family very often so I had so much fun spending time with everyone.  It went by way too quickly.

On Sunday we got to spend a little time with Beka, Bill and Anika again before we had to get on the road.

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Anika and Hailey enjoyed dancing together.

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Then they took a quick “nap” together before we had to leave.

The entire way home Hailey kept asking, “Are we back on Anika’s road yet?”  It was a wonderful weekend!  We can’t wait to see everyone again.


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7 comments on “Family Fun

  1. that does sound like lots of fun- and some great pics! I giggled with the nap pic- very cute, but I am sure there was no napping going on!

  2. Michelle on said:

    Looks like you had an amazing time. I always enjoy visiting with my family. We also had a co-ed baby shower. My hubby loved it, especially since there was beer. LOL! My hubby actually wanted to be included in all the festivities. We had a great time. So glad that you can see my site now. I was getting worried. My computer always seems to have trouble with internet explorer. I still can’t figure it out. I finally gave up and went to Firefox. Thanks for stopping by today.


  3. Sharon on said:

    I am glad ya’ll had such a great time. It is great that Hailey had someone to hang out with. Family is so important.
    There is a part of our family that we rarely see…..I am glad you got to spend some time with yours.

  4. Mozi Esmes Mommy on said:

    Sweet photos! I especially like the dirt inspection! And what is it about Ring Around the Rosies that is so attractive to every kid?

  5. rachel on said:

    such wonderful photos. I love how she was dancing in the middle of the room. what a cutie pie!

  6. Beka on said:

    Love the pics!! They did have a great time together!! And it was so good to see you all too!!!! Now if I could just get caught up on my blogging… hehehehe

  7. Jaymie Pierce on said:

    What a wonderful blog, the photos are adorable and I’ve enjoyed looking around at your posts.

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