Where Does She Come Up With This Stuff?

The other day Hailey’s pants and pull-up were falling down.  She came over to me, turned around to show me her bottom and said, “Can you pull up my butt crack?”


I told Hailey it was time to go do something and she told me “no.”  So I said, “You don’t tell Mommy no.”  She replied by saying, “Oh Mommy, I love you and you are beautiful.”


While playing with her doll house I overheard Hailey say, “I’m famished.”  I couldn’t believe she was saying it, but then later I heard it on one of her Veggie Tales DVDs.


I told Hailey to finish her vegetables at dinner and she said, “No thanks, I’m all set.”


Hailey was turning off her portable DVD player after watching her snack time show.  She knows that she is not supposed to open it when she turns it off.  Apparently it’s quite a temptation because as she was turning it off I heard her say, “I hope I don’t open the DVD player.”


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0 comments on “Where Does She Come Up With This Stuff?

  1. OMG-the butt crack is my favorite. How damn funny. I never know where Max comes up with his stuff either. Too funny Mel!

  2. I think that these are my most favorite posts… Hailey is such a sweetie!

  3. She is so very cute with the things she says. !!

  4. Michelle on said:

    Awww, these are all just the cutest things your little one came up with. Isn’t it amazing how they pick up the smallest things? They really do hear everything and take it all in. Thanks for sharing you sweet stories.

  5. she sounds so adorable!

  6. She is just too precious! I love kid sayings!

  7. LOL!!! She sounds like quite the little character!

  8. She. Is. Awesome.

  9. O.k the first one is the best. How funny!

  10. MamaGeek on said:

    I swear Hailey’s butt crack comment should be on a bumper sticker, cuz that’s just original and hilarious!!

  11. MarvelousMOM on said:

    How precious is she? I love it. Kids say the most wonderful, cute things!

  12. The Extreme Housewife on said:

    What a cute little girl you have! Thanks for making me laugh.

  13. Mother Mayhem on said:

    BWAHAHA! The butt crack is my favorite too! Nice blog!

  14. Too darn cute! How do you keep a straight face?

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