A Perfect Weekend
We had a great 4th of July weekend. We spent most of the day Friday relaxing at home. Friday evening we headed out to the 4th of July celebration that our church puts on. It’s a pretty huge party that has had between 15,000 and 20,000 people attending each year. And it is always tons of fun.
And shockingly, I have pictures to share with you.
There is a stage that has different presentations and singing going on all of the time. So, we set up our spot before we went to get some fabulous food. Hailey could see all of the bouncy things they had set up for the kids, so she wasn’t all that thrilled about eating her dinner first. After bribing Hailey to eat with promises of going to play on the bouncy toys we were off to check out what they had for toddlers.
Hailey having fun bouncing
Hailey loved the bouncy things and had fun collecting all of the balls.
After we finished playing on the bouncy toys Hailey went to get a tattoo. She picked out the flag to get on her arm.
Hailey stared at the girl who drew her tattoo the entire time. After she was done getting her tattoo she was very proud of her flag. I think she was afraid it might come off because if Rich or I tried to touch it she had an absolute fit. She loved her tattoo so much that we went back later to get another one on her other arm.
While Rich and I watched some of the presentations and enjoyed the singing Hailey danced by her stroller. She was so good and had so much fun. We enjoyed too many unhealthy snacks and bought some cotton candy for Hailey. She had never had it before and she did not like it.
Hailey watching the singing.
As it got closer to the time for the fireworks we headed back to our car. A couple of years ago the traffic leaving was so bad that it took us 2 hours to get out of the parking lot. So, last year we watched the fireworks at our car so that we could get out quicker and it worked out great. We decided to do the same thing this year. We went back to our car and I got Hailey into her pajamas in case she fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Hailey sitting on the hood of the car waiting for the fireworks to start.
Pointing out the fireworks to me and telling me that they are pretty.
The excitement of the day proved to be a bit too much. About 5 minutes into the fireworks show Hailey was sound asleep. She stayed asleep when I put her into her car seat and when we got home she stayed asleep while I moved her to her bed. Normally if I walk by her bed room and hit a squeaky floor board she is wide awake, so I know she was tired!
Saturday and Sunday were both great days too. We had perfect weather all weekend and spent most of our time outside enjoying it. I hope everyone else had a wonderful 4th of July too!
Hailey is 21 months old today, but I am going to do have that post up tomorrow. She has her 21 month well visit to the doctor this afternoon so I figured I’d wait so I could add the information from her appointment.
Be sure to enter my latest giveaway for a $25 gift certificate while you’re here.
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Those are great pictures! She is beautiful- I can’t believe she is 21 months old already! Wow! I am so glad that everyone had a great time!
I love all the pictures. It looks like you had a fabulous fourth.
sounds like the perfect Mel. I can’t get over how big Hailey is getting 21 months already WOW…
the church really does the 4th up right.
Hey if you want to link this post up over at the Mr Linky I have now added to the weekend recap, feel free.. I have changed my Weekend Recap into a Meme of sorts.. anytime you post about your weekend, you can link it up over there.
Have a wonderful week
Looks like it was a great 4th of July!
WOW! What a fun day!!! I love all the fun that your church offered!!!! The pictures were all adorable!
How fun. She is a little cutie. I really like the first and last photograph best. Wide awake to I’m done. Have a great day.
Oh, she is adorable! And she sat still for the whole tattoo? Amazing!
Oh, she is adorable! And she sat still for the whole tattoo? Amazing!
Wonderful pics! Hailey was definitely having fun! I remember lots of years of wearing pjs to watch fireworks. Ladybug is a little young for all that, so we enjoyed a quiet day at home, then a family get-together on Saturday.
glad you had a nice holiday weekend… Hailey looks like she had fun… Great pics as usual…
Looks like you had a very nice time sweetie.
Looks like you all had a fun day…I can’t believe how big Hailey is getting! She is getting cuter every day! Is she spoken for yet? I think we could arrange a marriage in the future!! :0)
Hailey looked like she had a blast!!
Cute pictures of Hailey! I love the flag tatoo! Glad you had such a good weekend. Kellan
Does it get any better than that? She looks like she had so much fun! I love those days. Glad you had a great 4th.
That surely looks fun! I so love the first photo of her and the one where she’s holding some balls reminds me of Matt (who definitely loves balls -and bounces like a ball himself!). Glad everyone had a fun July 4th celebration.
That surely looks fun! I so love the first photo of her and the one where she’s holding some balls reminds me of Matt (who definitely loves balls -and bounces like a ball himself!). Glad everyone had a fun July 4th celebration.
What a fun day!
I miss the days of churches getting together on the holidays. Of course the churches I grew up in never had so many people. But it was good sharing our lives with others.
We need that more today in our world and our churches.
Loved the pictures.
Days like those make such great memories!
By the way – I love your site!!
Great pics! Looks like a wonderful day. One thing I remember about all of my 4th of July fireworks growing up was parking the car in a vacant field about a mile from the stadium and sitting on the hood of the car with my dad to watch them
You’re making wonderful memories for Hailey.
I love all of the pictures but you holding your tired little girl is one of my favorites. Hailey is so beautiful.
Okay — that first picture of your beautiful daughter…HOLY! SMOKES! Does she look grown up or what???
Looks like a fabulous time!!