Meme Monday
I’m going to try doing Meme Monday for a few more weeks and see how participation goes. But since it has really been dropping off I might stop doing it. Or maybe start doing it every other week or something like that. Any thoughts about that?
Anyhoo, I wasn’t tagged last week so I decided to post this fun little question and answer thing I saw over on Zam’s blog a few weeks ago.
On the outside:
Name: Melanie
Birthday: October 20th
Current Status: Married
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Way too light (more about that tomorrow- do be sure to come back for a picture of me and my hair)
On the inside:
My Fear: Someone in my family being sick, spiders and drowning
My Weaknesses: Food, blogging, food, blogging
My Perfect Pizza: the kind that Rich makes
Yesterday, today, and tomorrow:
My thoughts first waking up: I can’t possibly go to church with my hair looking like this (again, more about that tomorrow)
My bedtime: usually sometime after midnight but before 1am.
My most missed memory: High school years
My pick:
Pepsi or Coke: Yuck to both.
Single or group dates: Single with Rich (and Hailey too since we don’t leave her with a baby sitter)
Adidas or Nike: Doesn’t matter either way
Tea or Nestea: The kind of iced tea my cousin Beka makes
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Both please
Do you:
Smoke: No
Curse: No
Take a shower: Of course
Have a crush: on Brad Pitt
Think you’ve been in love: Yes
Go to school: No
Want to get married: I’ve been married almost 8 years.
Believe in yourself: Not really
Think you’re a health freak: As far as food and exercise- no, but where germs are concerned- yes.
In the past:
Smoked: No
Gone to the mall: Yes
Been on stage: Yes
Eaten sushi: I have tried it but will never have it again.
Dyed your hair: On Saturday (more about that tomorrow)
Have you ever:
Played a stripping game: No
Changed who you were to fit in: Probably.
Done something your kids will never know about (at least till they are adults): Yes
Age you’re hoping to:
Get married: Already am
Take your dream vacation: 30 (that would be this year)
In a guy:
Best eye color: the color of Rich’s eyes- kind of greenish, blueish, hazel
Best hair color: Brown
Short hair or long hair: Clean cut
Best attribute: Sense of humor, kindness
What were you doing: (times reflected when this post was written on Sunday afternoon, not when it posted)
A minute ago: Checking on Hailey while she is napping
An hour ago: Eating a bowl of cereal
A month ago: Oh, probably blogging
A year ago: Oh, probably blogging
Finish the sentences:
I love: my family
I feel: exhausted
I hate: lying
I hide: from problems
I miss: being young and not having anything to worry about
I need: to play with Hailey, she is up now.
Then I received this award from Chuck.
The other day she (yes, she) posted a lovely photo that she had taken and we had to guess what it was. My guess was “It’s obviously a shadow” and Chuck was quite impressed with my abilities and bestowed this award on me.
Thanks Chuck!!
If you participated in Meme Monday this week it’s time to sign Mr. Linky.
Be sure to check out my latest giveaway for a Living the Dream shirt from LTDChix.
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Enjoyed your meme.
I had fun reading your answers. I’m kinda curious to the hair thing. BTW, I have been looooving Brad Pitt…eversince the movie Legends of the Fall. BTW, you have an award @ Makimeji..
you know I love learning more about you. I’m curious about the hair though. My post is up.
Nice to know you!
You got a cutie blog!
Nice blog! It’s my first visit. I’m doing your meme, as well.
I must say that I am VERY curious about your hair. Can’t wait till tomorrow
I love this one.. I am so doing it next week!
this is great! i’ll have to participate sometime in the midst of my “mix-it-up monday”.
thanks for stopping by!
btw: you should really BELIEVE YOURSELF!!!!
I can’t wait to hear about your hair
I’m always always having issues with mine!
Can’t wait to see the post tomorrow about your hair!
I feel exhausted a lot too – YEP!
Hope you had a good day – see you soon – Kellan
I think low participation is just a summer thing. I have memes to do, just not enough time to do them right now. (I’d rather leave comments!) Just my 2cents on the topic.
I love this quiz – I might add it to my to-do list too!