Meme Monday

Meme Monday - Hosted By: LivinWithMe.Com!

It’s time, once again for Meme Monday.  Anyone can play along, so if you’d like more information about what Meme Monday is you can get that right here.

For the first time in a really long time, no one tagged me or gave me an award this week.  Woo Hoo!  Oh, that’s too bad.

Anyhoo, last week Pam did a couple of Mommy Memes and then said we could play along if we wanted to.  And since no one tagged me I decided I would play along with one of the Mommy Memes that Pam did.

Momma Meme #1

Baby’s Name?


October 7th

Where was he/she born?

What time was he/she born?
1:34 pm

Weight/length at birth?
6 lbs. 10 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long

Age as you’re typing this survey:

Are you a paranoid mom…?
Most definitely

Do you sterilize everything (like boil nipples or wash every toy)?
I don’t now but I did for the the first several months of her life.

Do you buy “sensitive skin” wipes because they’re “better” for baby’s skin?
Yes, but only because Hailey does have sensitive skin and she gets a rash if I use the regular ones.

Do you worry that your baby will stop breathing in his/her sleep?
Not as much now as I used to.  I used to check on her constantly.  Now that she is older I still check on her but not much as I used to.

Do you freak out if they happen to doze off during tummy time? (SIDS!!)
When she was an infant I did and I would roll her over onto her back.  But, she’s 18 months now, so I don’t anymore.

Do you overdress your baby, whether it’s warm or cold?
I probably did overdress her during her first winter, but I didn’t this year.

Do you wash your baby’s clothing in Dreft or other baby detergent?
I used Dreft up until a few months ago, now I just use our regular detergent.

Do you refuse to dress baby in anything with buttons (choking hazard)?
I used to refuse to put her in anything with buttons but I have relaxed about that.

Do you watch (and critique) when someone else changes baby’s diaper?
Not now, but at first I did watch- not critiquing, but just watching.  Now I am happy to have anyone who will change Hailey’s diaper.

Did you buy all of their furniture (crib, changing table, stroller) NEW?
Yes.  But, my parents bought Hailey’s changing table and my in-laws bought her crib, so we didn’t actually have to buy everything.  But since we didn’t have any baby stuff we had to buy everything else new for her.

Do you have to wash a pacifier that fell on the floor before giving to baby?
Not now, but for probably the first six months I would boil her pacifiers if they fell on the floor.

Do you worry about anyone else holding your baby?

When you leave baby with a sitter, is all you do worry about baby?
The only sitter Hailey has ever had has been my parents.  The first time we left her with them I worried.  Since then they have watched her a few other times and I don’t worry about her anymore.

Do you jump out of bed the second baby starts fussing during the night?
Yes- Hailey gets up in the middle of the night and then I bring her to bed with us for the rest of the night.

Do you worry about making baby bleed when clipping his/her fingernails?
Yes, I hate clipping her fingernails.

Do you call your pediatrician at least once a week?
Not now, but at first I called a lot.  I’m sure they made fun of the paranoid new mom when I was calling all of the time.

Do you cancel playdates because your baby has a runny nose and coughed once?
If the playdate was being held at my house I would just let the other parents know if Hailey had a runny nose and tell them I wouldn’t feel bad if they decided not to come. 

Do you refuse to go shopping without a shopping cart cover?
Yes, those carts are so gross- I always use a cover.

If you have a cat, do you worry about toxoplasmosis?
We don’t have a cat, but I would worry if we had one.

Is your baby allowed anywhere near your pets?
Yes, Hailey loves Dottie (a bit too much sometimes).

Do you only feed your baby organic baby foods out of fear of preservatives?

Do you think you are or ever have been a paranoid new mom?

If you want to play along, feel free- just let me know so I can check out your answers.

If you participated in Meme Monday this week, sign Mr. Linky so the other participants can visit you.


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5 comments on “Meme Monday

  1. cool meme, I just love this one.. I have already done it or I would have took you up on the tag.
    I do however have my meme Monday post up and ready.. Have a wonderful week.

  2. Sharon on said:

    RYC–I will be praying for ya’ll as you walk this road.
    May she see a loving God shinning brightly through you.
    You are right He loves them so much.

  3. Hailey’s birthday is the same day as my dad’s. That was fun to read. Maybe one day you will be able to do the other one too. I love anything about being a mommy! ;)

  4. Shelly on said:

    I saw this on your blog and did it too!! Fun to think of all those things we do with/for our little ones!!!

  5. zamejias on said:

    I AM paranoid too. I might do this – for Matt. I actually lost track of the memes I need to do.

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