Wordless Wednesday #45

Livin’ With Me

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Livin’ With Me!


Livin' With Me!

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54 comments on “Wordless Wednesday #45

  1. I’m still reading all the blog posts that I need to get caught up on. You popped up on my goggle reader thing so I jumped right over! That is TOO funny! Giggles!

  2. napaboaniya on said:

    Bwahahhahahhaha… I can only say “oh- oooh”!!!

  3. hahahaha….too funny. :) I love th play on words!!

  4. SandyCarlson on said:

    Tooooo funny! Thanks for the laugh.

  5. Funny! Happy WW!

  6. OMG that is hilarious. :) great WW! Have a good day.

  7. Mrs Wibbs on said:

    Hehehe!! Priceless!!!

  8. That’s great!

    Happy WW!

  9. childlife on said:

    LOL! :) Ok, now that’s just sad…

  10. LOL, so that’s where they’ve been doing their “investigation!”

    Happy WW! :D

  11. Funny!! I love this.

    Have a good WW – see you soon. Kellan

  12. Too funny. Gotta love those crazy signs.

    My WW post for this week is up with pictures of spring flowers.

  13. Ha, love it.

  14. That’s really funny! My Wordless Wednesday is a sign too!

  15. Memoirs of a Mommy on said:

    That’s funny… I need to start posting funny pictures. All I ever do is post my kids!

  16. kailani on said:

    Thanks for the laughs! That was hilarious!

  17. shannon on said:

    Poor cops!

  18. That is sooooooooo FUNNY!!

  19. Write at Home Mom on said:

    :D so funny! TFS…

  20. a simple life on said:

    Hilarious! ;)

    Happy WW.

  21. Very funny ;)

  22. LOL..

    Happy WW! =)

  23. Penelope Anne on said:

    What a shame, not….too hilarious for words, thus a picture says it all. Happy WW!

  24. Heather on said:

    SOOOOO funny!!! Thanks for the good belly laugh this morning!

  25. That funny!!!

  26. Bahama Mama on said:

    Gave me a giggle this morning… thanks!

  27. Very funny!

  28. Utah Mommy on said:

    Bwahahahaha poor cops they are in big trouble! Thanks for the laughs. Happy WW!

  29. Greatfullivin on said:

    Too Funny! love it!:) Happy WW

  30. ValleyGirl on said:

    Quite the predicament…

  31. What a perfect sign…lol

  32. Thanks for the laugh! I even sent this link to my husband – he’s gonna love this!

  33. ComfyDenim on said:

    Well…that’s quite the dilemma. *LOL*

  34. LOL, well that would be a problem.
    Happy WW

  35. We are THAT family on said:

    LOVE it. Very funny. Trying to lose the mental picture.

  36. Haha – Happy WW :-)

  37. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls on said:

    ROFL – too funny! Happy WW :)

  38. HA! That’s awesome! I always enjoy these kind of posts!

  39. star8278 on said:


  40. hahaha this is very funny! thanx for sharing
    Pretty Sunset
    Simala Church

  41. Hee Hee Hee!!! That’s hilarious!!

    Happy WW!!!

  42. Made me giggle – good one. Happy WW!

  43. MomOnTheGo on said:

    I wonder what kind of business was associated with the sign. And whether the guy who did it had his boss’ permission.

  44. April W on said:

    Thanks for the laugh , love it!

  45. on the Rock on said:

    Aaaaaa ha ha ha ha!

  46. HolleeAnn on said:

    LOVE IT!! really funny!

  47. Oh.. my… word!
    Is that an understatement or what?

  48. Gypsy at Heart on said:

    Now that is a show stopper!

  49. jennifer on said:

    Thanks for the laugh.

  50. That is funny!!

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