An Exciting Announcement

January 19th, 2014 Melanie Posted in Baby No Comments »

Livin With Me

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The Little Man Cub

April 24th, 2012 Melanie Posted in Baby, Family, Hunter, Me, Rich No Comments »

The story of Hunter actually begins in September 2010.  I had my regular yearly checkup and decided to talk to the doctor about wanting to have another baby.  She told me that we wouldn’t be able to have anymore kids unless I went through infertility treatments.  I left the appointment feeling pretty sad because we knew we wanted another baby and I was afraid it would never happen.  I just wasn’t sure if I could ever go through the infertility treatments again.

Fast forward to April 2011… and no infertility treatments… after 4 positive pregnancy tests I finally believed it was true- I was pregnant!

Most of my pregnancy was pretty normal… I was very nauseous for the first trimester and everything made me gag.  I used to dread brushing my teeth because I knew it would start the gagging.  I never did throw up, I just felt awful.

The second trimester was great, as second trimesters tend to be.  We even went to Disney World for 10 days and other than being super hot and having sore feet it was a wonderful trip.

Hailey and me (24 weeks pregnant) at Epcot.  Hunter’s first trip to Disney!

Once the third trimester hit I was pretty exhausted!  It was definitely a much harder 3rd trimester than I had with Hailey.  I was trying to get everything done for Christmas before Hunter arrived so I was probably doing too much, but I was so exhausted!  Two days before Thanksgiving I started having a horrible pain on my right side.  It was probably the worst pain I have ever had and I could hardly even get off the couch.  I had also had slight twinges there before and had asked the nurse about it at my last appointment.  She had told me it was probably just ligaments being stretched and not to worry about it.  So I figured that’s what it was again.  On Thanksgiving the pain was much less and just felt sore.  It continued to feel sore but never as extreme as it had been for those 2 days before Thanksgiving.

The week after Thanksgiving I had an appointment and my blood pressure was a bit high.  Not super high, but considering mine is usually pretty low the doctor was concerned.  I also mentioned to him the bad pain I had been having and I was also extremely swollen.  He sent me for a non-stress test and everything looked fine.  My blood pressure was normal while I was laying down and Hunter was moving around a lot.  They put me on modified bed rest- told me no shopping, no doing a lot of walking around, and no heavy housework- but to just stay home and take it easy.  I did my best to do that…

That same week on Thursday night (December 1st) Hailey was in a parade with her dance group.  I couldn’t miss her being in the parade so of course I had to go.  Rich walked with her so that I didn’t have to do all the walking.  I waited with my parents to see her go by.  After she went by I took a step to take a picture of her and I tripped over a road block barrier thingee… the trip happened in slow motion but I couldn’t stop it from happening.  My hands and knees broke my fall, but I landed on my stomach.  Once we got in the car to head home I called the doctor and was told to go to the hospital to get checked out.  My parents stayed with Hailey so Rich could go with me.  They did a bunch of blood work and found that there were fetal cells mixed in with my blood, which meant something had probably happened with the placenta.  That could be fatal to me and the baby, so they kept me in the hospital.  In the morning they did an ultrasound and couldn’t see any bleeding or damage.  The levels of the fetal cells mixed in my blood were very low, so they said it was probably just a small abrasion.  But they wanted me to stay for 24 hours just to be sure everything was okay.  They released me that night with strict instructions to do nothing but a lot of resting.

At my next appointment (December 6th) the doctor told me that the ultra sound I had done while in the hospital showed the cord was around the baby’s neck.  This scared me and I told him we should do my c-section right away.  He told me that it is very common for a baby to have the cord around the neck and I should not be worried.  I was very, very worried though.  He had me getting non-stress tests every other day to make sure everything was okay.  I also called and had an extra one done because I didn’t think the little man cub was moving around enough.

That weekend I broke out in this rash on my side.  It was very sore and itchy.  Remember the bad pain I had on my side at Thanksgiving time?  Well the rash was right above that spot.  At my appointment the next week (December 13th) I showed it to the doctor.  He told me he thought it was shingles and he did a test to confirm.  He put me on some medication for it.  When I got home and googled being pregnant with shingles I was scared to death and spent the rest of the day crying.  Since I was at the very end of my pregnancy it wasn’t as bad as if I was in the beginning stages when it can cause birth defects.  The scary part at the end was that I could pass it on to the baby, giving him chicken pox, which can be very serious, even fatal in newborns.  As if I needed any extra stuff to worry about.

The doctor wanted to go ahead with the delivery as planned, so on December 16th we went to the hospital for my c-section.  I was so nervous, excited to finally meet my little man cub, but worried about my fall, the cord and of course my shingles.

Off we went to the operating room.  The minutes sure did crawl by waiting for the c-section to start.

Finally at 10:25 am the little man cub was born!

Welcome Hunter Andrew… 9 lbs, 20.5 inches

Our hospital stay was pretty routine.  I worried pretty much non-stop that he might get chicken pox, but he never did :-)

2 weeks after Hunter was born I was running a fever and I felt awful.  Rich told me that I was fine, but when I called the doctor’s office, they wanted me to go to the emergency room (it was New Years Eve weekend and they couldn’t get me in at the office).  I decided to go to a walk in and found out my c-section incision was infected.  I found out almost a week later that it was staph and strep infection.  It cleared up and then came back a few days after I finished my antibiotic.  After a second time on the medicine it was completely gone.

Of course there have been lots of worries here and there since Hunter was born.  But the last month of pregnancy was rough- my fall, the cord around his neck and the shingles.  I know there were a lot of people praying for Hunter’s safe delivery and I know that’s why he is a healthy little baby today!  We are so thankful for Hunter!

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First Day at Home

December 22nd, 2011 Melanie Posted in Baby, Hailey, Hunter 1 Comment »

We got home from the hospital with Hunter a little while before Hailey came home from school.  She was so happy we were there when she got home.

The very proud big sister with her new baby brother.

Hailey couldn’t wait for Dottie to meet Hunter so it was time for an introduction:

Dottie checking to see what Hailey was holding.

Hunter taking a little nap in his bed… and by little nap I do mean little nap.  He doesn’t like to sleep for very long unless someone is holding him.

Hunter wearing his pajamas from Hailey, all ready for bed in the cradle.  Hailey used this cradle when she was born and I slept in it as a baby as did my brothers.

We are so happy and feel so blessed with our family!

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He’s Here!

December 21st, 2011 Melanie Posted in Baby, Family, Hailey, Hunter No Comments »

Hunter Andrew arrived on December 16th at 10:25am.  He weighed 9 pounds and was 20.5 inches long.

Proud big sister Hailey holding her new brother Hunter.

Hailey brought some presents for Hunter- she’s showing him the Lion King stuffed animal she got for him.

Hunter’s other big sister Brooke stopped by to visit him.

Hunter had some other visitors too.  These were his gift to Hailey and she thought they might like to see what he looked like.

One of the really neat things about Hunter’s birthday is that on the very same day- 12 hours and 20 minutes later, his cousin Britany was born down the hall!

Hailey and Hunter :-)  We are very blessed!!

Hailey and Hunter with Pa.

Hailey made several pictures for Hunter and hung them on his crib.

Hunter all ready to go home!

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