Some Firsts

Here are a couple of things that happened in the last couple of weeks for the first time in Hailey’s life.

Hailey has only ever had a couple of minor falls and bumps… I’m sure that is partially due to me being overprotective.  A couple of weeks ago she was playing outside and fell and scraped her nose on our patio.  Since this is the first time she has had a scrape like this I had to blog about it.

Livin With Me

Shortly after the injury- tears still in her eyes and band-aid on her nose.

Livin With Me

The next day- my poor Little Miss!  It’s been a couple of weeks and it looks much better but is still healing.

Another first happened the other day at the grocery store.  We didn’t have very many things to get so I let Hailey walk instead of riding in the cart.  If she can help to get things and put them in the cart she is usually pretty cooperative.  She started out doing pretty good and then didn’t get her way about something.  We were heading to the milk/cheese department to finish up our shopping.  Hailey was trying to get away from me and ran right for the eggs and picked up a dozen eggs and looked at me.  Now she didn’t realize how breakable they were- she was just being difficult.  I said, “Hailey- NO!  Give those to Mommy!”  So she threw them on the floor.  And I guess you know what happened.  Hailey had to apologize to the man who cleaned it up and she was very nervous about talking to him so I hope that she learned her lesson.

And as a side note, we are all settled into my parents house for a couple of weeks until our new house is ready to close.


Livin' With Me!

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9 comments on “Some Firsts

  1. chelle on said:

    You found a house YAY (how did I miss that?!?!)

    Awww poor nose!

  2. Andrea (Lifesong) on said:

    That’s quite the scrape — but it’s amazing that it took this long before something like this happened to her!

  3. Mother Mayhem on said:

    Bless her heart! And her nose! :o )

    Emily fell and scraped her nose just like this when she was 3. Now, every time she cries, the spot shows up red.

  4. Deb - Mom of 3 Girls on said:

    Oh ouch, what a sore little nose that has to be! I love the band-aid though, I haven’t seen ones like that before. :)

  5. Michelle on said:

    Ouch! I bet that hurt. I love the crayon band-aid. Too… cute! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe she grabbed those eggs. I bet you were freaked right out. I know I sure would of been. I’ve had days like that too. My little one has never liked riding in the cart. I made the mistake of taking her out of the cart when she was 1 and it’s been down hill from there. It’s so hard to get any shopping done. Sounds like she did great for her first time. Well, except for the eggs. LOL! Thanks for stopping by today.

  6. Mozi Esmes Mommy on said:

    Ohhh – much sympathy from our end for that little nose!

    And it’s better to learn the egg lesson now than later, I guess…

    I live in a little fear of that first “accident.” So far we haven’t had anything significant, other than sore arms that we stress over whether they are broken or not, but they never have been.

  7. MamaGeek on said:

    Oh man, poor baby and poor Mama! There’s nothin’ scarier than THAT.

  8. rachel on said:

    Max hits his head, legs..bruises, boo boos all of the time. Poor little cutie nose. Love the band aid.

  9. Sharon on said:

    Isn’t it hard when they hurt themselves?
    Julia wasn’t as bad as Michael….it seemed he was always getting into something and getting a scrap or a bump and bruise. They survive….and Michael has a few scars to prove it. :)

    Glad ya’ll made the move o.k….I know you’ll be glad to be in your own home again. I’ll be praying that things move alone at a swift rate.

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