And the Winner Is…

The Velveeta Casserole Challenge is officially over and they have announced the winner.  Congratulations to A Cowboy’s Wife at My Wooden Spoon.

Now of course I was hoping that I had won, but I am happy for A Cowboy’s Wife too.  I knew I had some stiff competition!  I had a lot of fun participating and am thankful to Kraft for allowing me the chance to be a part of this great contest.  And not only that but I made some new bloggy friends and was able to give away some great prizes too.  So it was a blast even though I didn’t win!

I am going to be figuring out who won all of my giveaways in a couple of hours when Hailey goes down for her nap.  I’ll email if you are the winner of any of my giveaways to let you know that you won.  You can also check the individual giveaway posts (they are all listed at the top of my left hand sidebar) as I will announce on each post who the winner is.

Thank you so much to all of my supporters!  I really appreciate the time you took to stop by to vote for me every day!  And a special thank you goes out to Valmg over at I Know EVERYTHING, Just Ask My Hubby- she made me that fabulous looking “Vote Daily” button that you have seen on all of my blogs!  Thanks Valmg!!


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12 comments on “And the Winner Is…

  1. A Cowboy's Wife on said:

    Thank you so much for the congrats Melanie!! Stiff competition indeed;) By the way, we are making your recipe this weekend! Might be posting it on my blog, giving you (and linking to you) full credit of course:)

    It was a fun ride and I think the readers will be excited to see if they won anything from all the giveaways!! Ummm, I think I even entered one of them eh??…LOL

  2. Oh I am sorry you didn’t win – but it sounds like you had a lot of fun with it! I know I had fun voting for you and visiting everyday!!

  3. Comfy Denim on said:

    I’m sorry you didn’t win — but very glad you had the chance to participate!!

  4. I am so sorry that you didn’t win. I voted for you every day and and I made your casserole a few weeks ago and it was delicious. I hope you will have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

  5. Sad you didn’t win but It was a good experience for you being chosen to compete against fellow bloggers. You did a great job! :)

  6. OH MAN! I’m so sorry you didn’t win. I HONESTLY thought you would! Your recipe sounded the best!! Plus, you have SO many bloggy friends, I thought you had it in the bag. Sheesh, it sounds like I’m rubbing salt in the wound huh? I just feel bad b/c I really wanted you to win! You’re recipe is still the best in my book! I’m SO not a seafood fan ;)

  7. ***sigh***
    So sorry you didn’t win (I would demand a recount) but at least you had fun…right…
    I don’t know, I am such a sore loser!
    I am so bummed right now. I thought you had that in the bag and I was so looking forward to seeing you!!
    Well you are still a WINNER in my book!
    Love Ya!

  8. sorry you didn’t win!

  9. Awww, darn it! We worked so hard!

    What you need is more family. Or, next time, do what they do in the presidential elections, drive to the under-privileged parts of the cities and drum up voters. ;)

    Fooey. I’m still very glad that I found your site.

  10. You did a great job Melanie! Thanks for the mention about the button.

  11. Tamara B. on said:

    I am so sorry you didn’t win! I loved your recipe for the casserole :)

  12. i am sooo sorry you didn’t win!!!!

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