Thankful Thursday #10

I am thankful that we have electricity.  A few of weeks ago our power went out because of high winds.  It wasn’t out all that long- only about eight hours.  But, it reminded me that we take so much for granted.  There were several times that I flipped light switches, expecting a light to come on.  At one point I thought, “Oh, I’ll go do some laundry since the internet isn’t working.”  And then I remembered the washer and dryer wouldn’t be working either.  Anyhoo- it made me realize that I take a lot of that kind of stuff for granted.  We had very high winds again yesterday and even though the lights flickered and the internet didn’t work for most of the morning (gasp!) the power stayed on.  For that I am thankful!

I am thankful for the nice time we had last weekend while we took a little trip “home” and stayed at my parents house.  As always we had a blast.  We were also able to spend some time with some of Rich’s family and had a very nice time with them too.  We love being “home” and if we could we would just pack up and move back “home” tomorrow.  We don’t like it where we live and we hate being away from our families….. ooops this is supposed to be a thankful list.  So, I am thankful for the nice visit we had and I will continue hoping for the day when we can move back ”home.” 

I am thankful for the nice distraction it was to be away visiting family.  So many days I just worry about what is going on with Hailey (you can read about my concerns here, here and here) and feeling worried all of the time can get pretty overwhelming.  So, it was very nice to have some distraction from all of the worrying I am usually doing.

I am thankful for all of the kind comments and emails I have been getting regarding Hailey.  It means so much to me to know you all really care about what is going on.  I don’t have any new information yet as the pediatrician still hasn’t heard back from the neurologist.  I will post any new information as soon as I have it.  Thanks again for your comments, emails and prayers! 

Stop by and visit Iris to see more Thankful Thursday participants.

Livin’ With Me!


Livin' With Me!

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19 comments on “Thankful Thursday #10

  1. Denise on said:

    Praising God that you have power, it is aweful to be without it. I am glad you enjoyed the visit with your family. Hailey remains in my prayers, take care dear.

  2. Heather on said:

    Great list, Melanie! Having those distractions are helpful when our mind is burdened. A change of scenery usually helps me.

    Have a blessed day!

  3. poor man's nicole richie on said:

    it’s hard to be without electricity especially in our country.
    I pray that Hailey’s tests will come out okay.

  4. Hi Melanie,

    So glad you got to go home and spend time with your family!

    This was a GOOD distraction for sure.

    I’m still praying for Hallie, keep us posted.

    Happy TT to you!

  5. Thats a great thing you can spend time with your family. I am happy for you. Take care. God bless.

  6. JennieBoo on said:

    Your “Thankful Thursdays” always make me smile because I’ve felt the same on numerous occasions.

    Much love to you!

  7. I am glad you had a nice visit! I hope your dreams to move back come true soon!

  8. Girlymom on said:

    I hope everything turns out ok with Hailey~ my heart goes out to you and your family while you wait for results. Every night at dinner we go around the table and say something we are thankful for. It is always interesting to hear what the kids come up with and I hope it is teaching them the meaning of thankfulness. My prayers are with you.

  9. ValleyGirl on said:

    Sounds like you’re in the same boat we are — wishing we could move back ‘home.’ Visits just aren’t enough and it kills me that my parents’ only grandchildren (the only ones they’re ever going to have) live 6 hours away. I love where I live, but not so much for the community and relationships; more for the scenery and lifestyle. But I’m glad you were able to take a break from your worries and spend time with family.

  10. Kellan on said:

    I should do this Thankful Thursday – I love it! I am also thankful for electricity (my husband is an Electrical Contractor for #1), but we had the power go out just today for several hours due to high wind too – we DO take it for granted, don’t we!!!?? Have a good evening Melanie – I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. See you soon. Kellan

  11. regina on said:

    Hey There,
    Cool thankful list. I was concerned with that wind too, my lights flicked off and on a few times but stayed on. I’m so glad that you had time with your family, that always makes things a little easier because you have distractions and support.
    Continued prayers and blessings to you and yours!

  12. Karen H. on said:

    Good Evening Melanie,
    Electricity is something to be very “THANKFUL” for. We were without electricity the other night for 11 hours. We had Hurricane force winds here they said the next day. Some of the gust were up to 70 mph. We always have things to be “THANKFUL” for each and everyday when we get up. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.

    Love & Hugs,
    Karen H.

  13. Hi, I hate it when the lights go out!! BUT it does make you stop and think how blessed we are with all our modern stuff now days!! I will keep on praying for Haliey that all will be well with her eyes…… Love and Hugs Grams

  14. I am glad for the “update’ on Hailey.

    I am with you on the electricity. After the storm and doing without it for over a month(we did have a generator)I LOVE my electricity.
    I was also thanking God for my gas stove at the time. And my gas water heater.
    So I am thankful for gas too.

  15. my4kids on said:

    We lose electricity all the time here as well so I can appreciate your being thankful for it! Ours went out on Tuesday evening so I just decided it was time for bed….

  16. zamejias on said:

    I don’t like it when there’s no electricity. Most especially at night because Matt needs the a/c.

    BTW, I have a blog bling for you at VERB.

  17. You are right Melanie. It is always good to spend time with family. I miss mine two…Wish the ocean would not be between us.
    I hope that you will hear soon from the doctor’s office to find out about Hailey.

    I noticed that your little icon in the sidebar says ‘lonely’ – I will be praying for you this weekend.

    Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this week, despite of your worries.

    Be blessed today and always.

  18. JennieBoo on said:

    BTW, I have tagged you for a quick, little meme.

    Have fun!

  19. Hi Melanie,

    But, it reminded me that we take so much for granted…. This really struck me. I take so much for granted. I often try to pray and thank God for what seems just ordinary. You have reminded me to give thanks again for the granted.

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