Christmas Recap
How was your Christmas?
Our Christmas did not go exactly as we had planned. We had planned to spend the weekend before Christmas with our family who lives out of town. But, since Hailey had been sick we decided it would be better if we did not go. I was feeling down about not getting to see any of our family for Christmas. Then on Saturday morning my mom called and said that she, my dad and my brother Mike had decided they would come see us since we couldn’t go to see them. I was so excited that they decided to come. So, I spent the morning rushing around getting things ready.
They arrived on Saturday evening. After we went out to dinner we came back here and had our Christmas together.
Hailey enjoyed “helping” to put the presents under the tree.
We had a wonderful time with my parents and my brother. They left on Sunday evening to head back home and even though it was a short visit, I was so excited they came.
Did I mention that I was so excited that they came?
Christmas Eve was a pretty quiet day. I finished up my shopping and wrapping. That night we gave Hailey her Christmas Eve present.
Hailey was quite excited about her gift (a new pair of pajamas).
On Christmas morning we all slept in until about 8am. When we came out to the living room Hailey was excited to see all of the presents under the tree. She liked opening her gifts, but mostly….
….she just wanted to carry around this bag of dog treats.
Rich made us a yummy breakfast after we finished opening our gifts. We spent the rest of the morning playing with Hailey’s new toys.
When Hailey was taking her nap I was feeling a bit sad. It was so quiet that it didn’t really seem like Christmas. While I did want to be home on Christmas day, rather than traveling around, it just seemed too quiet. It was the first year I didn’t get to see my parents and brothers on Christmas so I was feeling a bit sad about that. We also did not get to see Brooke on Christmas this year and without her here it just wasn’t the same. So, while it really was a nice Christmas this year, it was also different and that made me feel a little sad.
Anyhoo- enough with the sadness. This weekend my parents and my brother Matt and his wife Ellie will be coming here and staying until New Years day. So, I am so excited about that! I can’t wait for them to get here.
Oh- and I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell you what Rich got me for Christmas. Apparently he was a bit tired of me using his laptop all of the time, so he got me my very own!
When I opened it I said, “I am so excited that I have my own laptop.”
Rich responded, “So am I.”
And, with my laptop there were a bunch of papers and when I asked Rich what all the papers were for, he said, “So that you can send in for the rebate.”
Oh well.
All in all- we had a nice Christmas. How was yours?
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Sorry things didn’t go as planned. But that’s great that you got to see some of your family afterall! And that they’re coming back this weekend!! YAY!!! My Christmas was great — but W-A-A-A-Y too busy!! We have one more gathering left and then WE ARE DONE!! That’s awesome about your own laptop though. WHOO-HOO!!
How is Hailey feeling now? I hope she is better. How wonderful that your family came to you. I don’t know if I could do a Christmas without going to a big family party it just wouldn’t feel like christmas to me LOL.. I know alot of people like to stay home but I have NEVER in my 35 years of christmas has ever stayed home the whole day, I wouldn’t know what to do LOL. I don’t have the time yet to blog about my christmas but I will soon.
Glad you had a great Christmas even if it didn’t go as plan, have a wonderful New years.
What cute pictures of your sweet Hailey! It looks like she was very happy. It was so nice that your family came to you when you weren’t able to go to them! I’m glad you had a nice Christmas and got a new laptap – very cool! See you soon. Kellan
Keith got me a laptop about a year ago. It is mine and no one is allowed to touch it. I love that. I love it.
I know you will enjoy yours too.
Sounds like ya’ll had a good Christmas.
A new laptop? Get out! I had to get promoted before I got one of those! Awesome. I’m glad you had a nice Christmas. I hope you have a great New Year!
That’s fantastic that your family was able to make the change in plans and go to you for Christmas! Now, if only they had known that they should bring lots of dog treats for Hailey . . .
Glad you had a great Christmas; now get ready for an even better New Years!
She looks like she had a ball! Gotta love those doggie trears!! Who might be the lucky person who received a Wii?
I love that top/first picture of her with those presents!
She looks so excited with all the gifts! Too too cute!
I had a hard time with our Christmas this year also, just hard not having all of our extended family around for Christmas.