5 Months Old

May 16th, 2012 Melanie Posted in Hunter, Monthly Updates No Comments »

Hunter at 5 months old with Tigger.  I can’t believe he’ll be a 1/2 year in a month- gaaahhhh!

We were able to enjoy some nice weather today.

Hunter seemed to enjoy being outside and also chewing on his arm :-)

My little man cub… growing up so fast!

Hunter loves this Jumperoo!  He starts bouncing as we are trying to put him in it.  He jumps and jumps… it doesn’t seem to ever tire him out though.

Hunter at 5 months old, Hailey at 5 1/2

Hunter has found his feet and he loves to chew on his toes.  Sometimes he looks at his feet and just giggles.

He sure does love his food :-)

New stuff from this last month:

Hunter is now rolling all the time.  He first rolled over quite a while ago but did not do it consistently.  He now does it pretty much every time I put him on his stomach.  Then he looks up at me and grins proudly.  Of course, when I try to show someone how he rolls over, he will not do it.  He is working on rolling from back to front but he gets up on his side and then gets stuck.

Hunter is finally entertaining himself for a little while.  He will play on the floor with some toys and squeal and “talk” for a short time.  He used to cry as soon as we put him down, so this is a definite improvement!  It makes it a little easier to get some things done.

When I ask Hunter for kisses he opens his mouth up really wide and puts it on my cheek.  Sooooo sweet!!

Hunter responds to his name- he looks at us as soon as we say it.

Hunter was sick for the first time this month :-(   One evening he started getting a little rash on his stomach- he has some eczema, so at first I thought it was just part of that.  But the next morning his whole body was just covered in a rash.  He was acting fine, just covered in a rash.  We went to the doctor who said he had actually seen a few other babies with the same thing going on, so it was probably just a virus.  He explained that a lot of times with rashes, you just never know what causes them.  The next day Hunter was super clingy and sleepy.  I ran some errands in the morning and he slept the whole time, which he never does.  He was spitting up a lot and having lots of poopy diapers.  When we got home he stayed asleep for 2 hours… he never, ever does that.  When he got up from his nap he felt hot… so I checked and his temperature was 101.7 :-(   Poor baby.  I took him back to the doctor, who probably thinks I’m crazy, but Hunter has never had a fever before, so I was worried.  Same diagnosis- a virus.  He was sleepy and clingy and whiny for a couple of days but then back to himself after that.

Sleep- Hunter still goes to bed around 7:30… usually.  Lately he has not been wanting to go to bed.  He still gets up several times during the night to nurse.  He usually goes right back to sleep, but sometimes he likes to wake back up as soon as I lay him down.  Most nights are pretty long and he usually gets up every 2 hours, sometimes more and sometimes less.  For naps, I have gone back to letting him nap in his swing.  If he naps in his crib he is awake within a few minutes.  If I put him in his swing he’ll nap anywhere from 30 minutes- 1 1/2 hours.

Hunter is still breastfeeding, and still nurses every 2-3 hours.  He is also enjoying some solid foods.  I had thought he would stretch out the times between nursing when we added solid food, but so far he hasn’t.

Hunter did not have a check up this month, but when we went to the doctor when he was sick (May 8th) he was about 17 pounds.  I just put away his 3-6 month clothes and got out the 6-9 month clothes.  He is growing so fast!!  He is still wearing a size 3 diaper (about $25 for 96 diapers in the Pampers brand).

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4 Months Old

April 16th, 2012 Melanie Posted in Hunter, Monthly Updates No Comments »

Hunter with Tigger at 4 months old

He is just so cute!

Love that smile

He is just so cute… oh wait, I already said that.

We just got out Hailey’s old Jumperoo and so far it seems to be a big hit!!

Hailey (5 1/2 years) and Hunter (4 months)

Sharing a little moment :-)

New stuff from this last month:

No more colic!!  Woo Hoo!!  At around 3 1/2 months Hunter had his last screaming, colicky evening.  I am soooooo thankful that is over.  I have never in my life heard a baby cry like he did for so long.  It was the worst.  We both spent many evenings crying together.

Hunter “talks” to us a lot more.  He goos and coos and waits for us to respond, then he talks some more.  It’s so cute!  His little giggle is so wonderful to hear.  Hailey is the best at making him laugh.  He sure does love her and gives her lots and lots of giggles.  Hunter is so social- he loves to smile and talk to everyone!  He never wants to be left alone, even for a minute.  He always wants someone to be talking to him and paying attention to him.  It makes it a little hard to get much of anything done.  But as long as I talk to him about whatever I am trying to do he is usually happy.

Hunter goes to bed around 7:30 every night.  At about 7:15 he starts to fuss and act tired.  It’s the only consistent part of his day.  The number of times he gets up during the night really varies.  Some nights he is up every hour.  Then there are other nights he only gets up twice.  Naps are never very good.  He will sleep for about 30 minutes at the most.  If I hold him, he’ll sleep longer but that is such a bad habit that I am really trying not to do it.  Sometimes if we are out and he falls asleep in his car seat he will stay asleep for a good 2 hour nap, but that never ever happens when he is at home in his bed.

Hunter is still breastfeeding.  He usually eats every 2-3 hours during the day.  At night he goes for some longer stretches, up to 4 hours.  He actually took a bottle a couple of times this last month.  So hopefully the bottle refusal is over.

At Hunter’s 4 month check up he weighed 16 pounds (70th percentile) and was 26 inches (85th percentile).  He is still wearing 3-6 month clothes but I don’t think he will be for much longer.  He is finishing up a package of size 2 diapers but is definitely ready to move up to size 3 diapers!  (Size 3 diapers are about $16 for a package of 96 in the Luvs brand.)

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3 Months Old

March 16th, 2012 Melanie Posted in Hunter, Monthly Updates No Comments »

These months sure are going by quickly!

Hunter with Tigger at 3 months old

My little man

Hunter loves to put his little fists up by his face.  Sometimes he puts them up in front of his eyes and looks them all over.  He looks like he’s ready for a fight :-)

We just got this exersaucer for Hunter a few days ago.  He wants to be held all the time so I thought maybe he needed something new and fun to play with.  Plus he can see what’s going on around the room better than when he’s laying on the floor in his boppy.  He really likes the exersaucer if someone is right there playing with him… or by himself but only for a few minutes and then he starts screeching for someone to come pay attention to him.  It makes it a little hard to get anything done, but I know it’s only a phase.

His little feet don’t quite touch the floor yet.  Such cute little piggies.

Isn’t he the cutest baby boy ever?

I love those cheeks!!  They get lots of kisses!!

He’s just so cute!  From every angle.

Hunter has recently started blowing bubbles.

Hailey (5 years) and Hunter (3 months).  I sure do love these two!!!!

Some of the things Hunter has started doing in the last month:

Hunter has added some new sounds- he says “ma” and “ba.”  Sometimes it sounds like he is saying mama and it’s so cute.  He loves to say “Oooooooo”  “Ewwwwwww” “Awwwwww.”  He has little conversations with us and it is just the cutest thing.

Hunter has always laughed in his sleep (I wonder what he is dreaming about!) but we finally got to hear his laugh when he’s awake.  The first time it happened was when Hailey said something to him and he did just a little giggle.  About a week later Grandma and Pa were here and we were all laughing at something and Hunter laughed too.  Just this week we were at the doctor and when the doctor came in the room Hunter looked at him and started laughing really hard.  It was so cute and so funny!!  The doctor was laughing too and Hunter just kept laughing and laughing for several minutes.  And then every time he looked at the doctor he laughed again.  He hasn’t laughed that hard again since then so I guess I need to get a picture of the doctor to make Hunter laugh.

Other stuff Hunter has started doing this month- He loves to chew on his hands.  This isn’t actually new this month but he has been doing it a lot more.  He loves to spit out his pacifier and stick his hand in his mouth and chew or suck on it.  He also looks at his hands and turns them around and watches them.  He started blowing bubbles and drooling a lot this month.  Every once in a while he’ll blow raspberries but he isn’t doing it on purpose yet.  Hunter will be cooing and smiling at us and then suddenly his face will get serious and he’ll just stare at us.  A few times Hunter has completely turned himself around in his crib.  I put him to bed with his head at one end and it’s at the other end when I go back.  He picks his legs up and them slams them down on the bed and it somehow makes his body turn around.  Hunter does not like tummy time very much and he screeches when he does tummy time.  He has started pushing his legs forward while he’s on his tummy and it pushes his bottom up in the air.  It looks funny but it makes him really mad.  He has rolled over a couple more times too.

Sleep has been awful lately!  I don’t know what happened but I must have jinxed myself last month when I said Hunter was doing good with sleeping.  He is still ready to go to bed at around 7:30.  Then he’ll sleep a good stretch of maybe 3 hours and wake up to eat.  He usually goes right back to sleep.  Lately he’s been up every 1-2 hours after that.  Sometimes I just give him his pacifier and he goes right back to sleep.  Sometimes he wants to eat and usually goes right back to sleep.  Even though he usually goes back to sleep pretty good, it is still exhausting to get up so much.  I am so tired I actually looked up on google to see if I could die from a lack of sleep hahaha.  Apparently not since I’m still alive.

Hunter is still breastfeeding- he goes anywhere from 2-4 hours between feedings.  Right around 2 months Hunter started giving us a hard time about taking a bottle and has now decided to refuse to take one at all.  That makes it a bit hard for me to be away from him :-(   Rich and I went on a date last weekend and had to come home in between dinner and the movie so I could feed him.  Then I worried all through the movie that he was going to want to eat.  He was fine though because it was bedtime, when he usually does his longest stretch between feedings.

Hunter was at the doctor a couple of days ago and he weighed 15 pounds, 4 oz.  He didn’t have his height checked since it wasn’t an actual check up (he had a rash all over his tummy and chest that we were getting looked at).  Hunter is still wearing 3-6 month clothes and still wears a size 2 diaper.

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2 Months Old

February 16th, 2012 Melanie Posted in Hunter, Monthly Updates No Comments »

Hunter at 2 months old with Tigger.  Hunter has grown so much in the last month!
(Notice he has arms positioned just like Tigger)

Hunter loves this outfit :-)

Cute little man :-)   (And yes, he did pee while I was taking this picture hahaha)

My little man cub.  He looks like he’s ready to fight :-)

Sleepy baby… love those cheeks and his gorgeous eye lashes.

Hunter with big sister Hailey.

Some things that Hunter started doing during this last month:

Hunter has added a new sound to his cooing that he does- one of the sounds he makes is to say “hi.”  Of course he doesn’t really know what he’s saying but it sounds just like he is saying “hi” and it is so cute!

Hunter loves to play with this.  He lays under is and bats at the star and the planet and hits them and gets them swinging.  He talks to it and smiles at it too.

Hunter’s favorite thing to do is still watching Hailey.  He will sit for the longest time and just watch what she is doing.  He smiles at her and talks to her all the time too.  He sure loves his big sister!  Hunter loves to listen to music- sometimes he waves his hands around like he is directing the music.  He also loves bath time now and getting his lotion on afterwards.  He is so still and quiet and seems to really enjoy it.  Sometimes he even kicks his feet in the tub so I’m pretty sure that means he’s excited to be in there.  He is still super cuddly.  When I pick him up he just snuggles right into me and I love it!!  I’m pretty sure that Hunter enjoys peeing as soon I take his diaper off.  The other day he peed all over the wall and while he was peeing he said, “oooooo.”  So I’m pretty sure he’s doing it on purpose :-)   Hunter has also discovered, just this week that he loves sucking on his hand.  He will spit out his pacifier so that he can suck on his hand.  I keep taking his hand out and putting the pacifier back in his mouth… I don’t want him to suck his thumb, so we’ll see who wins this battle.  When he does leave his pacifier in his mouth he likes to press his fist up against it like he’s trying to keep it in his mouth.

Hunter has been sleeping much better at night!  I hope I don’t jinx myself by saying this… but he usually goes to bed around 7:30 or 8pm.  Around 10 I will change him and feed him again before I go to bed.  Then he goes right back to bed and sleeps until usually around 1 or 2 and wakes up to eat.  But he goes right back to bed.  Then he usually wakes up one more time to eat and goes right back to sleep.  I don’t mind getting up and feeding him for 10 minutes when he goes right back to sleep!  Nap time is different though- for some reason he does not like to sleep in his bed during the day.  He wakes up after only a few minutes when I put him in his crib.  So naps have been happening in his swing as he will take a good nap in there.  He usually takes a few naps during the day in his swing.  He stays awake for a couple of hours at a time, most of his awake time is in the afternoon and evening.

Hunter is still breastfeeding- he goes anywhere between 2-4 hours between feedings.

This month has been a little worrisome for me- around 7 weeks I noticed that one of Hunter’s pupils was smaller than the other one.  I had actually noticed it well before that but the next time I looked at him they were the same size, so I thought I was imagining it.  But at 7 weeks I noticed it again and looked through some pictures and could actually see it in some pictures.  It is not always smaller, sometimes they are the exact same size.  So we went to the doctor who sent us to see a pediatric opthamologist.  Fortunately we were able to get in the very next day to see the pediatric opthamologist.  I really liked him!  He did not see the difference in pupil size while we were there, but I did show him a picture so he could see what I was talking about.  He did a very thorough exam (we were there for well over an hour) and his opinion is that the smaller pupil is a developmental thing.  He wants to see us back in a month- we go at the beginning of March just so he can keep an eye on it.  He said sometime this happens in babies and they may outgrow it, or they may not.  The eye doctor actually mentioned that his own pupils were 2 different sizes.  He told me I should not be worried about it, but of course I am still worried about it.  I feel like I’m checking obsessively to see if they are the same size… sometime they are and sometimes they are not.

Hunter had his 2 month check up on the 14th and he is up to 12 lbs, 12 oz (75th percentile) and he is 24.25 inches (90th percentile).  I can’t believe how fast he is growing!!  Just this week I had to put away his 0-3 month clothes (sniff, sniff) and get out the 3-6 month clothes.  He is wearing size 2 diapers (which cost $7 for 42 diapers with the Luvs brand).

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