Family Room Update

January 13th, 2011 Melanie Posted in House No Comments »

You may remember that last winter Rich redid our family room- took down the dark paneling, put up drywall, painted, etc.  We got new furniture and added a fireplace.  (Pictures of the process are here.)  But I didn’t like how the entertainment center fit in with the rest of the room.  So, I had said I wanted something smaller.  Finally it looks the way I like it, complete with Rich’s Christmas present:

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Office Renovation

December 22nd, 2010 Melanie Posted in House No Comments »

When we bought our house last summer there was a small room in the downstairs that Brooke decided she wanted to use as her room when she stayed with us.

Move in day- dark brown paneling and dark blue carpet

Brooke painted the room white and Rich put down a new floor.

Since then Brooke has graduated and does not use her room anymore.  So we decided to turn it into an office for Rich.

Here are some before shots:

A view into the closet- it was never painted and floor was left alone since it was inside the closet and no one could see it anyways.

The other side of the room.

Paneling ripped down.

Once the paneling in the closet was taken down you can actually see into the room next door- our laundry/storage room.

Dry wall going up

Closet gone to make more room.

Rich picked out a color for his office and painted it.  Here is the finished room:

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Deck Renovations

June 26th, 2010 Melanie Posted in House 1 Comment »

When we moved into our house I said one of the first things I wanted changed was our deck.  I didn’t like how it looked and I didn’t think it was very safe.  The railing made me nervous because I didn’t think it would stop Hailey from falling off of the deck.  I had to wait almost a year but the deck has finally been redone.

Day one of the deck renovation- this is how the deck looked before.  Rich and my dad are making some plans for the new deck.

Adding some more posts and beams.

The base of the new deck.

The floor of the new deck, with the old stairs propped up on the side.

The new, much safer railing

Almost done.

Added some landscaping.

The finished new deck.

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Bedroom Changes

March 31st, 2010 Melanie Posted in House 3 Comments »

On the day we were moving into our house this is what our bedroom looked like:

Livin With Me

Lovely green carpet and green walls.

Livin With Me

Rich and my dad did the hardwood floors in our room and we left the paint alone thinking it might look okay with our bedspread.  But I wasn’t a bit fan of it.

So… Rich painted our room.  For Christmas I got a new bedspread.  Then a few weeks ago when we got new furniture in our family room we also bought new furniture for our bedroom.  I still need to pick out some night stands and Rich says he is going to paint all of the trim.  But for now, here is how our room looks:

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