Hunter is 12 Months Old!

Hunter, 12 months old, with Tigger

Hunter’s favorite thing about his birthday presents- climbing on the boxes and sitting on them.

New things from this month- Hunter is walking!  He is so fast and gets into everything!

Hunter hasn’t picked up many new words this month, but he certainly speaks quite a bit of jibberish :-)   In addition to the words he started saying last month, he says “tock, tock” which he whispers when he sees a clock and he also says “nigh, nigh” which seems to mean that he is tired or that he wants to nurse.

Hunter is still nursing 2-3 times during the day.  Some nights it seems like he wants to nurse constantly and other nights he will only nurse once or twice.  He is doing better with table foods.  He loves every fruit he has ever tried and does good with his vegetables too.  He seems to like meat, but he just chews and chews it and doesn’t swallow it.  So for now I’m still using baby food for his meats.

Hunter is 30 1/2 inches long which is in the 60th percentile and he is 22lbs, 5 oz which is in the 45th percentile.  He wears 12 month clothes and is still in size 4 diapers.


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