Dear Hunter,

Wow- where has the last year gone?  This last year was the fastest year of my whole life and I can’t believe I am already writing you your first birthday letter.  It seems like such a short time ago that we went to the hospital on that beautiful December morning for you to be born.  It can’t possibly have been a year already!

I didn’t get much sleep the night before, knowing that we would be heading to the hospital in the morning so you could finally be born.  I was nervous, scared and excited!  The morning seemed to drag on with the nurses doing various things to prepare me for your birth once we arrived at the hospital.  Then it was time to go to the operating room and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, but finally at 10:25am on December 16th you were here!  I remember when the doctor held you up and you weren’t breathing and he calmly said, “Well, let’s get this baby breathing.”  A few seconds later you were crying and I knew you were okay.

You have changed so much over the last year!  You don’t look like a little baby anymore, but rather like a busy little toddler.  It seems funny to look back at pictures of you when we first brought you home and you were so small and helpless.  Now you move pretty much non-stop and keep us on our toes!  Hard to believe that such a short time ago you couldn’t even roll over, let alone run all over the house.

You love to play with any toy that you can push around- if it has wheels on it you love it.  And of course if it makes noise that’s a definite bonus.  You push your toys all over the house and love to chase Dottie with your toys.  You sure do love Dottie- you like to give her hugs and say “awwww.”  She is nervous about you, but she is very patient and loving with you.

You sure do love Hailey and Daddy.  When Hailey gets home from school your little face just lights right up!  You like to see what she is doing and you want to be wherever she is.  You are so happy when Daddy gets home from work.  You follow him around all evening and just love to play with him.  You are certainly daddy’s little boy.

You aren’t too sure about strangers.  You don’t like it when they talk to you… sometimes when we are out shopping you will cry when someone talks to you.  Getting your picture taken is pretty much impossible since you are very scared of the photographers.

I remember when I was pregnant and I found out that you were going to be a boy.  I wondered what I would do with a little boy.  I knew all about princesses and tutus and pink, but I didn’t know much about little boys.  It turns out that there is just something pretty special about little boys.  There is no way to put into words how much I have loved you since the moment I met you.  I still don’t know much about playing with cars and trucks and trains, but I know you’re going to teach me.

You are such a happy boy and such a good baby.  You have made our family complete and I can’t imagine our lives without you.  We sure do love you!!

Happy 1st Birthday Little Man Cub!



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