Hailey is 8 Years Old
Hailey is 8 years old!
When Hailey got up on her birthday she picked one present to open.
We went out to dinner at the Olive Garden to celebrate her birthday.
Hailey and Harper
Opening presents
Hailey and her new American Girl doll, Isabelle.
Hailey is now 4 feet, 3 1/2 inches tall! When did she get so big? It seems like she is almost as tall as me.
Hailey is in 3rd grade and doing great. We are in our 2nd year of homeschooling and it is going very well. Hailey is a very hard worker and a fast learner and does very well in school.
Hailey is a wonderful big sister. She plays so well with Hunter- of course they have their moments, but they usually play very well together. She is fantastic with Harper and is such a big helper to me.
I sure do love my little miss
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