15 Months Old

Livin With Me

Hunter at 15 months old, with Tigger

Livin With Me

My little man cub

Livin With Me

Hunter loves his books!

Livin With Me

He spends a lot of time reading his books!

Livin With Me

 Where have the months gone?

Livin With Me

 I sure do love this little boy!

Livin With Me

I am so blessed!!  Hailey 6, Hunter 15 months

Changes since last month:

Hunter tries to say everything!  I am going to try to remember his new words, but I know I will miss some- he says yellow, purple, Mickey, Minnie, mo-mo (remote), owwww (he says this whenever I pick up a brush, I think he must hear Hailey complain when I am brushing her hair, ha!).  I know there’s a lot more but I just can’t think of anything now… I think I’ll have to stop keeping track since he tries to say so much.

Hunter is a climber!  He tries to get into everything!  He goes non-stop and tires me out.  Hunter loves to go places, he wants to go somewhere every day.  He will go and get his shoes and socks (he picks matching shoes too, haha) and sit on the floor and wait for me to put them on while he is saying “ba-ba” (bye, bye).  If we don’t have anywhere to go he gets quite grouchy about it.  When it is nap time or bed time Hunter will say “nigh, nigh” and then he’ll put out a chair at the dining room table and bring me the boppy.  I usually sit at the table looking at my laptop while I hold him until he falls asleep, so he tries to get me to go do that when he’s ready for some rest.

Hunter is still nursing, he usually nurses twice during the day and sometimes once during the night.  He is completely on table food and is a pretty good eater.  He is willing to try anything and seems to like most everything he tries.

Sleeping has been a bit better… he naps in his infant car seat- a habit we will have to break at some point, but it’s working for now.  He usually naps for about 1 1/2 hours in the late morning/early afternoon.  He goes to bed at 8 in his bed and then when he wakes up he gets in bed with me and Rich.  Some nights he stays in his bed for a half hour, other nights for several hours.  We never know what he’s going to do.  He usually sleeps all night (he nurses, but is usually asleep) and gets up anywhere between 6-8.

Hunter is 23.9 pounds which is the 38th percentile, and he is 32 inches which is the 72nd percentile.  He wears 12-18 month clothes, but is definitely getting close to moving into the 18 month size.  He is still wearing size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 for bed time.


Livin' With Me!

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