Hailey is 6 Years Old!

Hailey with Tigger at 6 years old.

Hailey with Tigger at 5 years old.

Hailey with Tigger at 4 years old

Livin With Me

Hailey with Tigger at 3 years old.

Hailey with Tigger at 2 years old.

Hailey with Tigger at 1 year old.

Hailey next to her ABC blocks at 6 years old.

Hailey next to her ABC blocks at 5 years old.

Hailey next to her ABC blocks at 4 years old.

Livin With Me

Hailey next to her ABC blocks at 3 years old.

Hailey next to her ABC blocks at 2 years old.

Hailey has actually been 6 for almost 3 weeks but I wanted to wait until she had her 6 year physical to post so I would know her height. She is now 46 1/2 inches tall and in the 75th percentile.

Developmentally- Hailey is in first grade and is doing fantastic!! She loves school and loves learning. When I ask her if she likes school she says, “I don’t like it.  I LOVE it!”  Hailey loves to read!  She is such a good reader and is always up for a challenging book.  She does great with all of her school work, she is such a hard worker.

A few of Hailey’s favorite things at age 6: “I like grilled cheese.  I like to have fun with my family.  I like playing with Barbies, coloring in coloring books, doing puzzles and watching movies.  My favorite friends are Morgan, Daniel, Emily and Josh.”


Livin' With Me!

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