Chuck-E-Cheese Fun
Several weeks ago we decided to get out of the house and enjoy some time together at Chuck-E-Cheese. Hailey had been asking to go, so we went and spent a few hours there. Lots of fun games and yummy pizza.
Hailey loves riding the little carousel. She always wants to wait until there are other kids on it before she will put her token in to go.
Hailey showing off some of the tickets that Rich won when he got the jackpot on the skeeball game. Rich and several of the other dads spent quite a bit of time trying to win the jackpot.
Hailey was so excited that Chuck-E-Cheese came out and walked around for a little while. Unfortunately this is the only picture we got- the setting on the camera had gotten switched so it turned out blurry. Fortunately we all had a great time anyways!
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