Archive for December, 2011

Random Pictures of Hunter

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011 Posted in Family, Hunter | No Comments »

These pictures were stolen from my dad's camera: My little man cub Hanging out with Pa I love this one Grandma must have said something pretty shocking... And here's a few of my pictures: So cute! ... Read more..

First Day at Home

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 Posted in Baby, Hailey, Hunter | 1 Comment »

We got home from the hospital with Hunter a little while before Hailey came home from school.  She was so happy we were there when she got home. The very proud ... Read more..

He’s Here!

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011 Posted in Baby, Family, Hailey, Hunter | No Comments »

Hunter Andrew arrived on December 16th at 10:25am.  He weighed 9 pounds and was 20.5 inches long. Proud big sister Hailey holding her new brother Hunter. Hailey brought some presents for Hunter- ... Read more..

A Visit to See Santa

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 Posted in Celebrations, Hailey | No Comments »

We went to the mall over the weekend so Hailey could see Santa.  She told me she only wanted to see him if he was the real Santa.  She has ... Read more..

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